A collection of ideas for your interest and for the benefit of my mental health.

09 March 2011

You Brade Runna?

OK I'm gonna level with you. I don't think making more films in the Blade Runner universe is an inherantly bad idea.
Darryl Hannah's initial reaction.

I'm gonna go right ahead and say that Blade Runner is my number one tip top movie or at least in the top five alongside comparatively trivial things like Spirited Away and Anchorman.  I'm supposed to be concerned that the proposed movie(s) to be made by Alcon Entertainment will ruin the original movie forever! I have never understood how en -equel can have any real effects on the original and the feelings you got when watching it.  I think that concept has been flawed from the get go.

I can see where the problem may lie.  The propensity to use computers instead of practical effects has become a truly problematic blemish on filmmaking  perpetuated by George Lucas (the Battle of Endor was way more realistic than the Battle of Coruscant don't you think?) and I do realise I am perilously close to slipping between Harrison Ford movies. Despite the best efforts of filmmakers like Christopher Nolan, who manages to use real objects in real space, and the academy, though I don't put any weight behind their choices,  who know this and this year gave Inception the effects Oscar.  For a film where the sheer viceral weight of the objects and characters was the crux of grounding the world, and making it feel like a world and not a set, a modern version could likely ruin that feeling.  I have my concerns.  I've seen anime that has managed to feel real that was made since Blade Runner but never a film.  I'll take my Spinners as models thank you!

Not that kind of model, Denmark.

Casting will be very important here.  The original cast was interesting, I think it all worked out in the end.  It's hard to think what holywood will do with the story without attempting to match the characters and performances of Blade Runner.  Note that a game was made, a sequel book was produced and at least one of those was good so a prequel/sequel tie in IS potentially viable.  But in a sea of uninspired sequels a Blade Runner movie made now will have to stick to the original's guns in order to set itself apart from whatever Leonardo DiCaprio or god forbid SamWorthington (like the guy but c'mon) are up to.

I figure I ought to finish off here given this blog post has been W.I.P for about a week and I've had little to say.  Maybe I'll get inspired when/if some real news about one of these projects pops up.

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally with Blade Runner films and what you said about effects. IMO, Jurassic Park 3 looks awful compared to the first one, and it's the same with Alien vs Predator compared to the original Alien.

