A collection of ideas for your interest and for the benefit of my mental health.

31 March 2010

Just using this as a soundboard/notepad.

My options for yearbook comment are as follows as of now...

See you, space cowboy...
Hazzle Dazzle Razzle McShazzle 1991-2010 RIP
A mystery, wrapped in a riddle, inside an enigma
"Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes." ~ Walt Whitman
"If I could leave you with one thought, it would be this; everything, and nothing, is possimpible."

Ooh err.


Nice to know you.  Goodbye.
Stay classy Beaumont School


  1. I vote for this one: "If I could leave you with one thought, it would be this; everything, and nothing, is possimpible."

  2. I also vote for the HIMYM one.
