A collection of ideas for your interest and for the benefit of my mental health.

31 March 2010

Just using this as a soundboard/notepad.

My options for yearbook comment are as follows as of now...

See you, space cowboy...
Hazzle Dazzle Razzle McShazzle 1991-2010 RIP
A mystery, wrapped in a riddle, inside an enigma
"Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes." ~ Walt Whitman
"If I could leave you with one thought, it would be this; everything, and nothing, is possimpible."

Ooh err.


Nice to know you.  Goodbye.
Stay classy Beaumont School

28 March 2010


a disjointed list of stuff.

Watched Armageddon.  Awesome Bay movie.
Watched Transformers 2 again.  God-awful Bay movie.

Unstuck the limbs of my Iron Man figure, he is so cool now.  Can ride one of my motor-bike Transformers!  Found him a kickass Final Fantasy stand so he can do flying poses his proper stand can't allow him.  Much fun was had.

Going to watch Kick Ass this evening, my hopes are high so hopefully I won't be highly disappointed.

Easter is approaching.  Hooray.

All coursework is out of my hands so its all good.

Clash of the Titans soon.  Sam Worthington is a bad man.

Just started reading Axe Cop!  It's amazing!


23 March 2010

Ain't there alot of blogging going on.

Haha yeah...
The next week is a crucial one.

15 March 2010


almost made it an entire day without having to speak to P King.  Objective lost.  It'll be a great day when I succeed.

08 March 2010


I'm going to see the Hottest Band in the World on May 12th.  I wanted the best and I'm getting the best.  This has been my dream for slightly under a year, isn't it amazing how [bush]wings take dream[/bush].

Haha Lewis Hamilton is small.

02 March 2010

So happy!

The sun is back, its warm, its spring time!  And we can all appreciate that can't we.

Listening to Kiss!  In the sun!  It brings back those old days and is super duper.

History coursework is finished!  The other one is on the horizon! English coursework taking shape at last!  More exalamation marks!

There is genuine optimism in the air.  It's amazing.